How to Wear Clear Block Heels?

How to Wear Clear Block Heels?


So it’s time to show you how to wear clear block heels. These heels are amazing and the great thing about them is that they can be worn with anything and they’re not limited to just evening wear.

Clear block heels:

You can find all kinds of clear block heel pumps, sandals, wedges and boots online or even in stores depending on your location. I’ve found that Amazon has a good selection but as always, don’t forget to check out eBay as well as there are some great bargains to be had there – plus eBay gives you lots of different buying options from buying new through to bidding for used items.

When wearing these heels, people think it’s important not to go overboard with colour as this would take away from their beauty. The perfect outfit would be a plain pair of jeans and a top, avoiding anything too colourful or distracting.

You will find it best to wear these heels with either a maxi dress or a long skirt because you don’t want all that leg on show. It’s also best to make sure that your legs look good – if there are any blemishes, cover them up with concealer before applying your fake tan so that they’re not highlighted through the clear heel material. Be careful though as this can cause premature fading of the fake tan around the ankles and knees.

They are also very comfortable and perfect for any day use. It is not much you can do to avoid looking like a total fashion disaster when wearing them, but if you keep these little tips in mind it should be fine:

  1. Don’t wear clear block heels with an extremely casual outfit (i.e. jeans and a t-shirt).
  2. A little black dress works well with these types of shoes but avoids loose plain dresses as they will make you look shorter than you already are with the shoes on.
  3. If going for a more formal look, use opaque stockings to cover your legs a bit, this increases the femininity of the shoes by a lot and is very sexy too! * You can also use it as an advantage, if you feel that you have very thick or muscular calves try using those stilettos to slim them down, just remember not to place all your weight on one foot as it might hurt quite badly.
  4. To complete the look, don’t forget your makeup and some dangly earrings. Make sure to go easy on the foundation and eyeliner as it might all run down your face when you kick those bad boys off after a long day. Also, don’t use too much perfume as the smell will probably be gone by then anyway.
  5. If you really want to stand out with this kind of shoe try wearing it with an extremely formal dress (i.e. floor-length ball gown). But make sure that if there is a chance of rain or snow outside it is very unlikely that you will actually wear them for such events, therefore check the weather forecast before leaving home.
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