How to Choose Your Celebrity Skincare Role Model

How to Choose Your Celebrity Skincare Role Model


There are plenty of celebrities with skin worth the envy of their peers. Even if you don’t follow them yourself, you might see them from your friends’ posts, or they might get recommended to you on your favorite social media accounts. Before you know it, you’re looking at their aspirational looks and thinking you want that for yourself.

But with so many influencers showing the trendiest looks and each one looking good, it’s hard to just look at one and stop. You want all of their looks, but that’s not good for your finances. So here’s how you should choose your celebrity skincare role model:

Check the Kind of Climate They Have

You’re not choosing a role model just because they are in an attractive city or country. But you do need to check if they have weather patterns similar to yours so that you’ll know how the skincare products they advertise perform on the skin given the weather changes. There are plenty of trendy looks waiting for you, but not all of them are guaranteed to work in your particular weather. This means the results might vary, and what works for your chosen influencer might not work for you.

Pay Attention to Their Skin Type

Similar to the weather, the skin type also has an effect on how a product will work on you. Something you might think looks flawless on an influencer could easily melt if your skin type is oilier. Especially if you have very oily or very dry skin, choose an influencer who has this same skin type to be sure that yourKorean sunscreen, foundation, and setting powder can all last the whole day.

Know Your Role Model’s Personal Advocacy

The skincare and makeup industry requires a lot of tests to make sure they work on the skin properly. However, there are different ways to conduct these tests, and for some brands, this might mean testing on animals. If you personally don’t feel comfortable with this, you’ll want to make sure the role model you look up to also shares the same ideas. This way, you’re completely sure that when they recommend a certain product, it’s something that’s aligned with what you believe in. There are also brands that may charge for more because they are choosing to source their ingredients in a more sustainable manner or they’re making sure their employees are paid well. If you want to support these humanitarian causes, your skincare role model should be someone who is aware of the problems, to begin with.

Observe Their Interaction with Others

You may view them as just a regular person with a big following, but they are also celebrities who act a certain way to appeal to their audience. Knowing how they act when the cameras are not around, or seeing how they interact with their followers, will give you an idea of their business practices. At the end of the day, you’ll want to look up to someone who is as genuine as possible, especially when it comes to the products they’re advertising.

Everyone needs a role model to look up to and learn from. For your skincare idols, choose someone who is authentic and who has some similarities to you in the factors that matter.

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